How to change the ownership of the electricity connection

How to change the ownership of the electricity connection

 വൈദ്യുതി കണക്ഷൻ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം എങ്ങനെ മാറ്റാം

What are the documents required to change the ownership of the power connection

1. Identity card with photo of the applicant

2. Document proving ownership.

3. Permit issued by the previous owner in white paper to transfer ownership (including security deposit).

4. If the license is not obtained, the new owner can make a fresh deposit of the security deposit. The existing security deposit will be refunded by the board upon notice of the change of ownership by the former owner.

5. Alternatively, in a white paper, KSEB is exempt from all damages and litigation related to the transfer of ownership and if the old owner claims the security deposit he has deposited, the security deposit at the time of the transfer of ownership may be repaid with interest.

6. Death of a registered customer

Then a will or inheritance certificate must be submitted along with the death certificate to change ownership.

7. To change ownership, site inspection is not required.

8. In addition to the change of ownership, if there is a discrepancy between the connected load or the contract demand, an application to change the connected load / contact demand must also be submitted.